Posted on 2/16/2021

Normal activities in a pre-COVID world are a distant memory. Many people have been able to work from home rather than commute. Others have lost employment, especially industries relating to hospitality and leisure. Some have shifted to food delivery service rather than going to the grocery store. Shopping has shifting dramatically to from brick-and-mortar retailers to online vendors. Social activities have grounded to a halt. Each of these situations have pointed to less use to automobiles. Lower Vehicle Usage Chances are if you haven’t been commuting to work, your vehicle hasn’t been getting much, if any, use during the last year. Not driving can have its financial advantages, since you aren’t gassing up as often and may even save money on auto insurance premiums. On the flipside, a vehicle that sits idle for too long could end up building up hefty repair bills. Whether you are working from home, following social distancing guidelines, or jus ... read more